Saturday, December 31, 2011

Saying Goodbye to 2011

Well I have been awfully bad to my blog followers.  I have been so posting elsewhere I haven't updated here at all. As I say goodbye to 2011, I will give you an update on the little projects I hope to finish soon....

After many requests to have a least one more chapter to this to find out what happened with Bella after Marcus bit her.  It has taken almost two years to finish! I actually didn't start till this year.  Gotta go where inspiration strikes.  

Well I have two chapters, if he killed her and delivered her body and if he changed her.  Special Delivery: The Swan's Request is done.  I hope to post it tonight.  I hope to finish writing Perfectly Picked: The Swan Song by the end of January.  In the meantime, here is a preview of Special Delivery:

Marcus POV
“Ladies, please bathe my recently departed friend. I want only the finest oils used. Dress her in a gown befitting a lady. I have the feeling she would not have wanted something so extravagant. Adorn her hair with flowers, take your time, but do not delay,” I spoke to the maids.

They lifted Isabella’s small frame into my bathroom and followed out my orders. I went to my closet to search out something to wear. I was saddened to see that most of my clothes were dated and had collected dust. Had I been living in such a darkness that I lost my sense of style?

“If I could be honest, master,” Demetri appeared next to me. I nodded to him to continue. “Your sense of style is about as dead as you are. Explain to me your plight and I shall have you ready.”
I raised my eyebrow at Demetri and he rolled his eyes at me. He pulled me to the end of my closet and removed the coverings for several Armani suits, silk boxers, and the finest shoes.

“Someone has been very sneaky,” I chuckled at him and began to tell him of Isabella Swan.

Demetri was saddened by her tale and asked why I just didn’t change her. I explained to him that some people are already dead, they just hadn’t found death yet. I then told him of the Cullens and he growled at the outrage. It was known for a vampire to have a human pet from time to time. However, that pet was to be changed or killed before too much time passed. He knew of Carlisle’s reply to Aro to not visit us five years ago. We didn’t think anything of it, but add in Isabella and it is suspect.

That's all I got for you for now.  I will have a post in the New Year soon.  
Take care my dears...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fandom Charities: Posting Dates

Greetings everyone!  This is just a little post to my fellow authors who have submitted their outtakes, one-shots, or original fiction to the Fandom Charities. Now I don't have them all, just the ones that I am participating in.  

However, there is a great site: Fandom for Causes that has been keeping track of all the current causes.  It will give you all the important dates and links you will need for the current causes.

The dates they don't have posted are the dates in which the authors can post their profiles, FFN, blogs, and Twi-Write.  So here are the four that I am participating in.  

Fandom Against Wildfires
Saturday 10/22/2011

Fandom For LLS
Friday 12/2/2011

Fandom Against Famine
Sunday 12/4/2011

Fandom Fights Cancer
Tuesday 1/31/2012

I am chomping at the bit to post mine.  LOL! Please let me know if any of these dates have been updated.  Thanks again for all your support. Take a look at the Causes site, there may be one there you'd like to show your support to as well.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tatting Tuesday

I know it's been a while, but I have been a little busy. However, I have a teaser for you for my Fandom Against Famine one shot.  Please donate to this charity.  The girls running it are awesome.

Through Blood & Venom

Main character(s): Rosalie, Bella
Rating: M for violence and language

Summary: I never wanted her in my family, not because of jealousy, but because she could do so much better than death. Yet, I am no daughter of Fate, and know better than anyone you can’t stop death when it comes for you.  But maybe I could help her pick up the pieces.

My eyes snapped to his and he was gone in a flash.  I quickly followed him, catching up to him easily.  He was following a trail of Bella’s scent, her blood, Edward’s venom, and the scent I knew was so familiar. I realized it immediately and gasped.  Emmett looked back at me with his black eyes and nodded.   I feared for Bella’s life and for Edward’s since he was conveniently still alive.  Would Bella be alive by the time we found her?  I prayed and hoped to God she was.  Either way, I would be ripping apart a vampire tonight, maybe two. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.


“It’s about time you called,” I hissed into the phone.

All I heard in reply were screams.  Alice was screaming like someone was trying to kill her.  I stopped running and Emmett’s eyes widened as he came to stand next to me.  There was only one word echoed from her voice, blood.  I heard shifting and Jasper was on the phone telling us to go left. He said that was the last thing Alice saw before she flipped out. We ended the call and veered left.  We picked up on the trail again and I couldn’t understand why there were two. 

A diversion.


WHAT i've READ recently!

It's important for any private investigator to maintain a good relationship with local law enforcement and it's representatives. Therefore, I am always cooperative and polite with Chief Swan. Also, I try not to drink his daughter Bella's blood.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Humor - Chapters: 36 - Words: 86,945 - Reviews: 3061 - Updated: 9-20-11 - Published: 11-22-10 - Edward & Bella - Complete

This was a great read and Edward was absolutely hilarious.  I could not stop laughing.  I love how she makes Edward so OOC, still just so right.  Read, review, and love!


Two days in Phoenix is all it takes to make Jasper realize that mere curiosity cannot explain his obsession with the human who has so thoroughly caught Edward's attention. AU
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 116,694 - Reviews: 1290 - Updated: 9-15-11 - Published: 5-3-11 - Jasper & Bella - Complete

I was so captivated by this story.  The way she wrote Jasper was just amazing.  I was drawn in and couldn’t put it down.


Sparklingfae is a good friend of mine and she has some great one-shots and stories that are too good.  I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed.  Start with “Burn In Hell” as it is my favorite!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tattling Tuesday

Some of you may know that I have been donating my fics to a few fandoms.  One of them is Fandom Against Famine.  One of the administrators, idealskeptic, posted this today on her blog and I would like repost it here.

Another appeal for Fandom Against Famine

I know I’ve talked about it a lot, but it’s important, so I’m talking about it again.
There’s a famine in Africa and it’s not getting any better. I know that there are a ridiculously frightening number of natural disasters (hurricanes, wildfires, flooding, etc.) that having fandom compilations cropping, but can we please not let get Africa get shoved to the side?
As one of the organizers of Fandom Against Famine, I can tell you that all donations are due by Sunday, October 9, 2011. We don’t have a set donation limit because we want as many people as possible to donate whatever they can to the famine relief charity that they feel most comfortable donating to. We haven’t set a monetary goal, because our goal is to help as many people as we can, whether that’s a single person or a hundred.
We’d rather help a hundred. Wouldn’t you?
So please, if you can spare even a few dollars, DONATE.
If you have any questions, leave a comment and I’ll answer them.
Thanks for listening.


Robbing Peter to Pay Paul - One Shot for Fandom for LLS. Please DONATE to read.

That night wasn’t so good either, so I took a break from the tables for the rest of the week. Alice came by place saying Paul was curious as to when I would be back with his money. I didn’t like him sending her to be his fucking messenger. I told her to quit, but she refused. I told her that I’d take care of her and she laughed and asked with what.

“I’m not with you for the money Edward. If Paul was smart, he would know that your daddy’s wife and you are not the best of friends. It was in the news that you had not been around the Cullen Estate since your dad died. They even knew it was because of the money he left her and not you. I know you went to see her. She never gave you money did she?” Alice was so damn intuitive.

I was caught and nervous, but I knew I could trust Alice. Maybe two devious fucking minds were better than one. So I spilled and told her everything, from Carlisle’s death, stepmommy and the replacements, Aro, and being fucking broke. When I was done, she was staring at me with her mouth opened wide. She finally closed it and sighed.

“You are so fucked,” she said and I snorted.


Through Blood and Venom - One Shot for Fandom Against Famine.  Here is the link again.

Emmett stomped on the brake and turned sharply. His jeep was on two wheels as he popped an almost perfect one-eighty. He smiled at me and pushed the jeep back down the highway. We were at least three hours away. Edward had already texted us that it was done and he was heading to Chicago for some alone time.


Alice had texted me and asked where we were going. I told her we were going back for Bella. She was family and no matter how bad I wanted something more for her, that girl was meant to be a Cullen. This wasn’t about me anymore. This wasn’t about my empty womb, my un-aging face, or my dead heart. This was about what was good for Bella and we were it.


The Mistress in the Window - Multific - First two chapters for Fandom for Cancer

It didn’t take me long to find the Cullen Estate again. It was a large country home that was hard to miss once you found the drive. It was a blended design of Italianate and French Second Empire Style features. Most, if not all, of the stucco that covered the red brink underneath was exposed. The bricks were somewhat protruded from the edifice. Years of settlement showing its power of destruction. It must have been immaculate in its day and I imagined it in all its glory. The same buzzing I felt yesterday began to run all over my body. This place was my crack and I didn't know what I was going to do when I left.

I took out my camera and got some shots from a different angle, hoping to see if something new emerged. It looked ready to storm, so there was no sun. The clouds had loomed heavily over the house creating a very sinister shading. The house looked darker though the lens, but there seemed to be a light floating within it. It made me wonder even more about what secrets this house held. I could practically hear the history of this place calling out to me. I wanted to hear it all and I wanted to know how my favorite illusion became trapped here.

As if she had heard me, I looked up and saw she was there in her window. She smiled at me and was first to wave this time. I returned her smile and decide to salute her instead. An even wider smile broke across her face. This woman has to be real. I knew I had to find out for sure or it would….haunt me.


Okay so that's all I got for you today.  I am already plotting my post for Friday.  It's going to be good.  Lubs ya'll.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Frisky Friday

My goodness.  I have not been able to accomplish anything of what I want or need. Between my mind and RL, things have been nutty. There is no lemon drizzle as well.  I am very sorry.  I miss my lemons *sniffle* So today I have a little treat before I turn in for the night.

Teaser from A Six Foot Request - Chapter 2B Special Delivery: The Swan's Request 
Marcus POV

I didn't love. I didn't fight. I certainly have not bedded a woman since I killed Didyme centuries ago. The only thing I did was feed and appear at the rulings when Aro needed me too. I was a shadow of my former self.

Then tonight something had changed. I felt something stirring in me - something calling me out into the night. It was there, in the plaza that I saw my siren. She was a porcelain beauty, aching for me to mar her flesh with my touch. I didn't understand our bond, but the closer I walked to her the tighter it formed.

I was her death.

She held a pain in her eyes that mirrored my own. This woman had seen loss. She had ached and grieved for it. I saw the resolution in her eyes as well. She was ready for death. I would be happy to serve it to her.

I was shocked to discover she knew of vampires, and even more so the Volturi. She was bold, brazen, beautiful, and broken. I would heal her, rid of this pain. I would drain the very essence from her and bathe in the afterglow of her passion. 

I would take her....

What you think? Liking what Marcus has to offer?

Frisky Friday Fic Rec

Banner by vbfb19

I gotta do a rec for my girl @RobinsFF and her story "Victoria's Secret".  She is one of my betas and my partner in all things comment bubbles.  I have pimped her out before on my earlier posts, but I'd like to do so again.

She has written a fabulous AH, Edward/Bella fic that has totally made me melt with its lemony goodness.  It has other fine qualities, but this post is all about the Frisky.  She has twelve chapters posted so far *cough* with 13 on the way *cough*.  The lemon that are laid without are fantabulous.  I cannot get enough and I am in desperate need of a Costco run for some Shamanties (sham wow panties lol).  

He smiles into my stomach as he sinks to his knees and continues his journey south. This time he kisses and licks down my stomach, my hips, down my thighs and all the way to my feet. His hands pull the tiny pair of underwear down, in the wake of his lips. I place my hands on his shoulders to steady myself as he lifts first one leg, then the other, in order to fully remove the offending garment.

"The heels can stay," he says as he leaves open mouthed kisses up my left leg, moving to the inside of my thigh as he gets closer to my wet center. He wastes no time diving in.

"Oh God, Edward," I moan as he slowly licks at my folds. My hands move from his shoulders and into his hair. Partly so that I don't fall down, but mostly so I can keep his head between my legs.

He gently flicks my clit with his tongue and inserts a finger deep into my core. "You are so wet for me, and you taste so fucking good," he breathes, never stopping his movements.

My hands grip his hair tighter as he moves his lips, tongue and finger faster. I shamelessly buck my hips into his face in my desperation for release.

VS chpt. 8

Hmmmm....yeah.... She makes it very hard for me to do my beta job.  I have to read lines over and over because I am a puddle of goo.  The lemons only get better from there.  So take a chance and enjoy the music, the sex hair, and some fluffy times as well with this Frisky Fic.  Here is where you can find her:
RobinFF's blog: 

Well that is all i have for the night....

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tattling Tuesday

Hello my darling followers.  When I started this post, it was still Tuesday lol.  But time slipped away from me and now it's after midnight. I don't have much to report since my post on Friday.  I did post my new one-shot "Wish You Were Here":

Banner made by vbfb19

Emmett/Edward, AH, slashy goodness.
Summary: When you have had the best in your life, it's hard for anything else to measure up.  It's hard to let go and forget what was and what could have been.  Sometimes all we need is a second chance for our wishes to come true.


Right now I am working on my o/s for the Lemon Oasis (pic prompt SFW) called "Leather and Love".  I will give you a sneak peak at it.  The pairing, Sue/Felix, AH.  Don't be haven't disappointed you yet.  Here's your teaser:

My Dearest Susan,

So long I have tried to understand how I got so lucky to have you in my life.  I am a man with a very dangerous past and to wrap you up in that would not be right.  I am not worthy of you.  I never was, but I thought if I kept hanging on I could be good enough.  A year later, and I am no more of man that is a thief, stole a man’s daughter, took her away from her family, and can’t even put a proper roof over her head.  You are better off without me.  I am ruining your life. If I can’t be the man you deserve, at least I can be the man you need right now.  That man is sending you back to La Push.  I bought you a bus ticket.  Use it.  Don’t look for me Suzy.  Go home and live.  There is no life with me.  All you get with me is death.  Just promise me to keep riding.  You love to ride and look damn hot doing it. 

I’ll love you till the day I die,
Big Flea

Like damn, right? Well, it will be up on Friday.


Last but not least, I have a fic rec.  I felt as though I had been neglecting my Wolf Pack. So I went on a search of wolf stories that caught my eye.  I found "Alpha's Mate" by KaiaLuna

Sam imprints on an emotionally damnaged Bella when she moves to Forks to live with Charlie.  RATED M FOR A REASON! - Complete, 47 Chapters, 198,648 words, Sam & Bella

The first chapter takes a twilightish approach to the story, however there are certain obvious differences that make you wonder what's to come.  By the chapter 2, you are definitely aware that this ain't SM's story  lol.  The story begins to capture you completely with Bella's fear and pain.  How can this woman not want the hotness of Sam? From chapter 2 on, I was either laughing, crying, or screaming in either anger or glee.

KaialLuna also gives you more of the wolf girls.  So often they are forgotten, but not here.  You get more of Kim.  I loved how her character has been developed.  Also Emily is in the story, but I won't tell you who she's with. Of course with the imprints we get the other wolves.  I am all Team Jared right now.  She has made me fall in love with him.

This story may be wolfy, but the dynamic of the human to human romantic relationship is what appeals to me the most.  No matter the imprint, these two are trying to make a love work when one is beyond broken.  I am getting a little caught up just thinking about it  *grabs a tissue* and I am sure you will to.  This story will run the gamut of emotions.

I have not finished yet, but I won't stop until I get to the end. Please read this fic and review.  They are like crack to authors.

Love ya'll much!

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Post of all Posts

Greetings followers.  So sorry that it has taken me so long to give you a decent post.  This should change all of that.  I have lots to discuss in his post.  I will be doing a Bi-Weekly Post now on the Blog.  Every Tuesday (Tattling Tuesday) I will post updates, teasers, and whatever else is going on.  Every Friday (Frisky Friday) I will post my Lemon Drizzle, more teasers, and maybe a frisky rec or two. Now for some updates.

Thank you all so much for your nominations and votes.

You people must really like it when I review :).  It was so nice to see my nomination for the Tracker Award (Best Reviewer) in the Shimmer Awards.

I was nominated in three categories for the Hopeless Romantic Awards: Best Swinger - "This Changes Things", Best Original Storyline - "Old Jokes Never Die", and "Best Emmett - "This Changes Things".  

AND YAY! I won one of the three.  There was some tough competition.  I share my victory with two other awesome stories.

I was nominated for Best Tumblr in the Fandom Spotlight Awards.  My love for Kellan Lutz earned me Honorable Mention in the Awards.

One of the best contest I ever entered was hosted by the ladies over on the Jasper's Naughty Girls Blog, "Gettin' Down & Dirty With The Cullen Boys" Contest.  

Which one of them does it for you? A domineering Edward? A dirty talkin’ Emmett? Carlisle as the older, more experienced man? Jasper in all his dark, southern glory?

You know you dream about them, so turn your fantasy into a fic! We want to read what you have to say!

They could be dark, dominant and controlling. We also like them sweaty, naked and smug. They should be sexy and irresistible if possible. They can also be in human form. But, they have to be…DIRTY! (And, not from the mud!)

How could I have not have entered?  I submitted "Taking What's Mine" for the contest.  You can read the great entries HERE.

WOOHOO! I won honorable mention :) They made me this kickass banner.  Lubs ya ladies!


I will be donating 3 new one shots to the three causes this summer/fall. I also will be giving the first two chapters of my new Emmett/Bella mult-fic. I have listed the pieces I will be donating below, so please donate to these worthy causes in order to read these.

Fandom Against Famine
Through Blood and Venom
Character: Rosalie/Bella
Rating: M
Summary: I never wanted her in my family, not because of jealousy, but because she could do so much better than death. Yet, I am no daughter of Fate, and know better than anyone you can’t stop it when it comes for you. But maybe I could help her pick up the pieces.
Banner by Christag Banners

Fandom for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Robbing Peter to Pay Paul
Character: Edward
Rating: M
Summary: Every lucky streak has to come to an end. Edward Cullen’s certainly has and it has left him indebted to Paul’s underground poker games. With his life on the line, the perfect plan falls into his lap, robbing his boss Peter to pay Paul.
Banner by Christag Banners

Fandom Fights Wildfires
The Right One

Pairing: Paul/Bella
Rating: M
Summary: Bella hoped that her road trip out west would bring her the excitement she’s been missing. Meanwhile, Paul was trying to keep those close to him safe. Through a dangerous encounter, they are brought together. Will they endure or fail in their race for survival?
Banner by Christag Banners

Fandom for Cancer
The Mistress in the Window
Pairing: Emmett/Bella
Rating: M
Summary: She is a mystery wrapped around enchantment. She has lured him in to the death that surrounds this old home. There is chance he can escape; a way he won’t be caught up in the madness. But he’s enthralled by in the beauty behind the lens.
Banner by Christag Banners

*All fics will be posted to my sites once the allotted time has passed*


Lemon Drizzles will return on Friday, September 9th.  I have two to post.  I had already plotted the one from 8/12/11, but I never got the time to write it..  So I will post that one and the one for the 9th.  Pic prompts: (8/12) - & (9/9) -  I feel so bad for my Drizzle beta, idealskeptic, she is going to need a Costco size box of Shamanties (Jasper’s Woman’s version of Shamwow panties lol)

Finally I will finish writing my two chapter One-Shot The Pledge.  It was originally for the CarlWard Contest, but I was not able to finish the story. I submitted just Edward's POV.  Now Carlisle is not pleased, so I am writing his POV of the rest of the story now. 
Chapter 1: Submerge EPOV
Chapter 2: Emerge CPOV

A Six Foot Request is my Bella/Marcus One-Shot that reviewers begged to know what happened after. I have come up with two outcomes.  I couldn't chose just one.  
Chapter 2A: Perfectly Picked: The Swan Song
Chapter 2B: Special Delivery: The Swan’s Request

When I wrote my entry for the Spanking the Monkey Contest, I didn't think it would become something more.  That was until my pre-reader got a hold of me while I was writing and begged for more.  What can I say?  I love SagaDevotee too much and spoil her rotten.  Make Me Sweat will be a Short Story with 5 more chapters added to the piece I wrote for the contest.  Chapter 7 will be the epilogue.
Chapter 2: Instruct Me – BPOV
Chapter 3: First Rule About Gym Class - EPOV
Chapter 4: I Wanna Sex You Up - BPOV
Chapter 5: Needing a Visual - EPOV
Chapter 6: This Courting Thing - BPOV
Chapter 7: Possibilities Are Endless - EPOV

Yeah, wow, that was a lot right?  Well I am shutting up now.  Glad I could catch up with you.  See you on Tuesday!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Tribute to My Betas

In honor of my fabulous betas, I would like to tell you why I love them and rec their deliciousness. 

When I first started out in fanfiction, I didn't know a lot of people.  But I totally became fast friends with my girl Misty here.  She took my first fic by the horns and helped me to lasso that sucker.  I appreciate her honesty, dedication, and ability to tell me on a constant basis, "No, Lynette it doesn't suck."  LOL!  She has been patient with me through my one shots and several sessions of "Plot Bunny Mayhem" as I like to call it.  I just have so many ideas. Misty is a great beta and I know I can truly rely on her.

Completed Story Rec: "The Box" - Summary: A tequila bottle, a shoebox of memories, a past you want to change. Jasper has all three and has spent every Saturday for the last two years with them. Little does he know that this one will be his last. All human.

This Jasper/Bella story may be only ten chapters long, but it packs a wallop.  Jasper is the epitome of rock star and Bella is the woman that would be by his side forever. This short story is filled with ups and downs.  You fall in love with Jasper one minute, only to slap him in another.  You are wondering, what the hell could Misty do now? have to read to find out.

WIP Story Rec: "Their Mistakes" - Summary: Mistakes will either make you or break you. Their mistakes against her will be their downfall. Pairing is Jasper/Bella/Peter all vamp. Rated M for language, violence, and lemons.

Misty has been writing up a storm! This one just updated and has left me wanting so much more.  Two little ladies have been very naughty and vamp Bella is going to kick some ass. I can't get enough of how great this story is and the use of the Volturi is a big plus in my book.  I love them so much in this fic and Misty has me cracking up sometimes with their antics.


 I had been reading Stephanie's fic and she put in her a/n that she needed a beta.  I jumped on the chance to see her story early than when posted.  When the time came for me to have a need for an additional beta, she was there.  This chick with her happy little red pen is a PUNCUATION NAZI!  Yes Steph, I am talkign to you!  LOL! She let's nothing slide and would tell me in a minute that soemthing won't work.  HARD ASS THY NAME IS STEPH!  But I love that about her.  She keeps it gansta. 

Completed Story Rec: "Justice For All" - Summary: Bella's life is turned upside down when her father Charlie is murdered. Her former best friend Jacob Black is the detective hired to work on the case. Neither of them expect what happens when they are forced together to find out who killed Charlie.

This story is the one that made me fall in love with AH Jake.  So well written and great.  She makes you want your own Jake to have to protect you and love you and kiss you.... Oh sorry, well yes.  It has twists you didn't see coming and a little dog whose sole purpose is to annoy Jake. And how can we not love a fic that gives some Charlie love.


Nicole, oh how I love thee.  She stepped in for me when Misty computer was doing it's version of the exorcist and I needed a quick look-over.  Well, I ended up stuck with her. She is my goto gal for my naughty little bits for the Lemon Oasis.  When it's time for some lemon drizzle, she is there to make sure I am not talking crazy.  Nicole is the perfect combo of Red Pen Stickler and Muse Fairy.  My drizzles wouldn't sizzle without her.

Completed Story Rec: "When It Rains" - Summary: Three and a half years after BD, the Cullens are picking up the pieces from a crushing loss. Angela Weber is in college when she runs into Jasper and Nessie. Can she, with kindess and compassion, heal the Cullens hurting the most? slowly Angela/Jasper

This story was reccommended to me lel2769 and I was a little apprehensive at first because it was rated T.  No way it was beacause it was Angela/Jasper (non-canon lover here).  I usually don't read T stories because they are mostly written by teenage girls that wasn their own Edward.  Well, this story blew me away.  I have never seen Angela written so beautifully and Jasper written more as a man than the God of war.  It is a great story of tragic loss and the love that can grow from the unexpected.

WIP Story Rec: "In Human History" - Summary: Seven chapters, one for each Cullen, containing six scenes from their human lives. The last scene is always their last moment as a human. Rated M for mentions of abuse, rape, and death. Kept as canon as possible based on the illustrated guide.

Now I may be a little bit biased with this one because I was her beta.  However, I have not seen someone take on all the histories of the Cullens in this way.  Each chapter takes a Cullen, from oldest to youngest, and weaves a tale of their lives before they were changed.  After I beta'ed each chapter, I was like, "This is my favorite."   Each one was better and better.  There were tears, laugher, screams.  LOL!


When I whirlwind, you say Robin!  WHIRLWIND! (ROBIN!) WHIRLWIND! (ROBIN!) We met through the wonderfulness of PJ.  She was in need of a beta and and I stepped in to help.  Now she is doing some side jobs for me when I need a looky loo.  This is the woman that writes more comment bubbles than me! That says a lot.  She has tons of comments and they are mostly silly little replies to something I wrote.  She asks tons of questions, which usually end of inspiring me and sending me off to write at least another 1000 words.  Me lubs her :)

WIP Story Rec: "Victoria's Secret" - Summary: Bella is shy, quiet and professional. She loves to sing, but can't get on stage, not until she becomes Victoria. The sexiest singing sensation in Seattle, and the girl Vamp Records VP Edward wants... or is she? Rated M for lemons and language B&E Victora

Again, I may be biased because I beta this story.  Yet I love where her devious little mind goes.  I flove this story and want to have it's babies....and Edward's.  She writes one hot ass Edward and I can't get enough.  She has some great songs in this story and I can barely get through my beta job because I am shaking my fanny.  This is a must read!


I must also give a quick shotout to my Pre-Readers. On occasion, they can slap on a beta hat:

SagaDevotee - You have been my rock and friend, when late night writing and summaries seem confusing.  You arte my favorite cheerleader.  Now just to get you a costume *waggles eyebrows*

TheLyricalCutie -  I remember when you told me you didn't have time for fanfiction.  Now you got a few stories under your belt and reading like crazy.  Thanks for your support!

BetterwithEdward - You brought me in to this fanfiction fold.  You are my favorite lurker!  Maybe one day you'll stop reading and start writing.  Thanks for the giggles and the phone calls with me rambling about a new plot bunny.  FACETIME!

TheUnderStudy (Lynette)