Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Indie Fic Pimp: MandaLyn's Rec of the Week: 5/30 - 6/5

Indie Fic Pimp: MandaLyn's Rec of the Week: 5/30 - 6/5: "This Changes Things by TheUnderStudy http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6478252/1/This_Changes_Things Review by MandaLyn Rating: M Genre: Trage..."

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New Banner! WOOHOO!

So my girl RachelxMichele has made me a new banner for my O/S "Old Jokes Never Die."  If you didn't know, I had written this little piece recently.  It was a birthday present for one of my favorite readers on TwiWrite.  Here is the summary for my Emmett/Bella Romance/Comedy:

"You live long enough and you begin to hear the same tired joke over and over. As a vampire, you will hear it a lot more than that. Sometimes it gets better when the jokes on you. All Vamp, AU, Rated MA for language, violence, and sexual content."

And yes my faithful readers...it's lemony :). 

Lubs you guys mucho,

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Control by Lady Tazz: Chapter 16 - Angel teaser

LOVE THIS! If you are not reading this Jasper/Bella all human story...then you are missing out.

Control by Lady Tazz: Chapter 16 - Angel teaser: "Don't know what I'm gonna do About this feeling inside Yes it's true - Loneliness took me for a ride Without your love - I'm nothing but ..."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Someday by duskri123: Changes in the Key of Someday: A Response to Chapt...

My new response to Kriss' Chpt 26 of "Someday"

Someday by duskri123: Changes in the Key of Someday: A Response to Chapt...: "A/N: Kriss is an awesome inspiration and as always, I thank her profusely. I attempted to write in the Iron Maiden's (Bella) perspective. ..."


So I am loving all my new banners by RachelxMichele.  She is nothing but awesome!  Here are the recent ones she has done for me.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jasper's Naughty Girls: Gettin' Down and Dirty with the Cullen Boys

Wooohooo! I am so entering in this contest. And you know I am going to use my Emmy. Maybe you should enter too.

Lubs Me!

Jasper's Naughty Girls: Gettin' Down and Dirty with the Cullen Boys: "You should enter this contest just b/c TwiCarol created this banner! GETTIN’ DOWN AND DIRTY WITH THE CULLEN BOYS! Jasper's Naughty G..."

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dee & Dazz Outtake: Fate's Third Chance POSTED

The Dee & Dazz Outtake has been posted on FFN: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6478252/24/ and on TwiWrite: http://www.twiwrite.net/viewstory.php?sid=423&chapter=24.  So please go and enjoy and find out what ever happened to Dee & Dazz.

Lubs Me!

Someday by duskri123: I Am Vulnerable: A Response to Chapter 25 of Somed...

Posted my response to Chapter 25 of Someday

Someday by duskri123: I Am Vulnerable: A Response to Chapter 25 of Somed...: "A/N: Jasper really spoke to me in this chapter. I wanted to be able to portray what I felt when reading this. Here is our Dark Prince, spea..."