Saturday, December 31, 2011

Saying Goodbye to 2011

Well I have been awfully bad to my blog followers.  I have been so posting elsewhere I haven't updated here at all. As I say goodbye to 2011, I will give you an update on the little projects I hope to finish soon....

After many requests to have a least one more chapter to this to find out what happened with Bella after Marcus bit her.  It has taken almost two years to finish! I actually didn't start till this year.  Gotta go where inspiration strikes.  

Well I have two chapters, if he killed her and delivered her body and if he changed her.  Special Delivery: The Swan's Request is done.  I hope to post it tonight.  I hope to finish writing Perfectly Picked: The Swan Song by the end of January.  In the meantime, here is a preview of Special Delivery:

Marcus POV
“Ladies, please bathe my recently departed friend. I want only the finest oils used. Dress her in a gown befitting a lady. I have the feeling she would not have wanted something so extravagant. Adorn her hair with flowers, take your time, but do not delay,” I spoke to the maids.

They lifted Isabella’s small frame into my bathroom and followed out my orders. I went to my closet to search out something to wear. I was saddened to see that most of my clothes were dated and had collected dust. Had I been living in such a darkness that I lost my sense of style?

“If I could be honest, master,” Demetri appeared next to me. I nodded to him to continue. “Your sense of style is about as dead as you are. Explain to me your plight and I shall have you ready.”
I raised my eyebrow at Demetri and he rolled his eyes at me. He pulled me to the end of my closet and removed the coverings for several Armani suits, silk boxers, and the finest shoes.

“Someone has been very sneaky,” I chuckled at him and began to tell him of Isabella Swan.

Demetri was saddened by her tale and asked why I just didn’t change her. I explained to him that some people are already dead, they just hadn’t found death yet. I then told him of the Cullens and he growled at the outrage. It was known for a vampire to have a human pet from time to time. However, that pet was to be changed or killed before too much time passed. He knew of Carlisle’s reply to Aro to not visit us five years ago. We didn’t think anything of it, but add in Isabella and it is suspect.

That's all I got for you for now.  I will have a post in the New Year soon.  
Take care my dears...