Friday, September 5, 2014

Frisky Friday

It's Friday and that means we have a Frisky Friday fic rec. What juicy little jiblet do we tonight?  "Springeresque" Chapter 16 by LyricalKris

Summary: Alice Brandon Whitlock is twenty-two years old and the story of her life already read like a tragedy- a tragedy worthy of the Jerry Springer show in its twists and turns. Charlie Swan's life was more sedate, but it hadn't always been. You never can tell how or when two souls will connect or what they can do for each other.

Banner is the property of LyricalKris

You all should know by now that I am a non-canon lover.  In this AH fic, LyricalKris pairs up Charlie  & Alice. Oh don't look all shocked. Stop that gasping. You know you wanted it.  Charlie and Alice have something in common here and their chemistry burns down my computer or phone whenever I read an update.

So that brings us to Chapter 16 of Springeresque. At this point, this isn't the first time hat Alice and Charlie has heated things up.  But let me tell you that you gotta break up, to make up.  If you don't know who the Stylistics are, then you need to listen to this and you'll totally understand.

Here is a snippet from that chapter:

Alice got up then and pulled him to his feet with her. She pushed up onto her tiptoes, put her lips to the space just below his ear and began to suck and nibble lightly. Charlie made a noise that should have embarrassed him, but he found he was quickly losing the ability to think. He tugged at her shirt, and she fumbled at the button of his jeans.

I can't give ya any more than that. You gotta read the story from start to now. Good lawd! I feel ya Charlie. I also got a few moments to ask the fabulous LyricalKris some questions. 

TUS: You are like a writing palooza of fanfiction. And loving the number of fics you've written. What made you want to start writing?
LK: When I was little, I wanted to be an actress. As I grew up, I figured out that to be an actress, you had to have a talent for acting, or at least charisma, of which I had neither. But by that time, I had figured out I liked to write. I was in fourth grade, and our teacher was fond of making us learn by writing stories about his two dogs talking about whatever we had learned that day. So I got it into my head that I would like to write movies (I still do), and I've been a writer ever since.

TUS: There are more Edward/Bella fics than you shake a stick at. You have contributed a few to those :). But I am non-canon girl and you have slayed me with the fics you have written in that category. Which do you prefer to write? Canon or Non-canon.
LK: This is a tough question. On the one hand, Edward and Bella are easy. Obviously, the reason I'm in the Twilight fandom at all are because I fell in love with those characters, particularly Bella, whom I utterly adore. The reason I got into the fandom is because when I got to the end of the books, I wasn't ready to be DONE with them. To a large extent, I'm still not. But as a fanfic writer they are the easier, expected pairing to write. And I'm not going to lie, the fact I've gotten up to 6,000 reviews on an E/B fanfic and would never even get CLOSE to that with a non-canon fanfic is a draw. We all like attention, and I'm not ashamed of that.

However, non-canon has its draws too as Stephenie Meyer gave us a plethora of fascinating characters. Jasper the empath? I've done awesome things with that. Carlisle with his compassion and sense of self control? Awesome. Especially because a lot of my non-canon is M/M, I have adored exploring the depths of these amazing characters. I often find I get a deeper sense of satisfaction out of a non-canon fic, particularly if it's a pairing that people were wary of at first.

TUS: Springeresque is a story about so many things, but let's talk about the chemistry between Charlie/Alice? Steaming up my screen every single time! Have you always seen that?
LK: I have always…acknowledged the possibility. For a lot of pairings, there is absolutely NO connection in canon. Jasper/Edward comes to mind. However, there is the tiniest seed of Alice/Charlie. It's in the books AND the movies that he enjoys her company. That's all you really need—a small foundation. There was a connection there that could be expanded and built upon. However, I personally resisted this idea until I asked jessypt what she wanted for her birthday and she chose Alice/Charlie. From there, it was a matter of digging deeper into why Charlie took such a shine to Alice and why she might, under the right set of circumstances, come to love him.

TUS: Also we have this May/December steamfest going on. It's why I married an older man myself lol. Alice was once married to someone her age. Does Charlie's age add to her attraction to him? And vice versa?
LK: The age factor is neither a draw nor a detriment to this couple. Well. Charlie worries about it in a sense. He's always felt older than he is to begin with, and he's not quite sure how he ended up with a woman really close to his daughter's age. It makes him the tiniest bit incredulous but not enough that it's a negative for him. As for Alice, with the exception of her bouts of self-doubt, age isn't anything but a number to her. In their case, neither really looked at the other as being attractive one way or another until they spent so much time together. Them falling for each other was an accident. It wasn't the situation or anything they look for in a mate, if that makes sense.

TUS: Anything else down the pike for you? New steamy fics on the way after this one?
LK: I always have something brewing. Currently, I'm working on three fanfics, three ofics, and the Twilight Twenty-Five! As for fanfic, I do have a couple sitting on the shelf, waiting to see if I can make them gel. I have a reincarnation piece I want to do figuring that E/B were always together throughout time and constantly ripped apart until they got their forever in canon. I'm also toying with a fic based on the idea of Sleepless in Seattle. … I'm also toying with a fic for Barburella who wanted a COUGAR Bella with a younger CARLISLE… It might take me a while to wrap my head around THAT one, but I do have a plot.

So the answer to your questions is… always. Always something on the horizon for me. I can't seem to stop.


Omg after that interview I think my girl, SagaDevotee, has just fainted. So let me go pick her up so we can fan girl together over the possibilities of Older Bella/Younger Carlisle. Thank you so much to LyricalKris for writing such an amazing story. It truly is beautiful. Go read it folk!