Friday, January 14, 2011

Chapter 16 Teaser

Monday can't come fast enough right!  Well here is your teaser for Chapter 16: Mistaken Betrayal and Minor Victories


I moved my attention to Emmett.  He had three newborns that were making him a chew toy.  He tossed the one off his back into a tree.  He kept his eye on Isabella.  She was taking on two newborns of her own. 

“Focus Emmett!  Dammit!  OW!”  Bella screamed at him and by doing so got herself bitten.  Stings like hell.  It had happened to me once and I vowed never to let someone get the upper hand again.  Her eyes turned fierce and black as night.  Oh it was on.  She leapt on the vampire that bit her and showed no mercy.

Emmett quickly ripped the arms of the one he was holding down with his foot and used those to beat the other one off to his side.  He disposed of them quickly after that and dashed to assist Isabella.  She didn’t need it.  She was epic.  Her punches were quick and deadly.  It looked as if she was using her shield to push further through the body.  That was some gift.  She then used her shield to decapitate another. 

“Bella pull it in!  Fight first, gift later!”  Emmett screamed at her as he took on another newborn.  Bella nodded at him and went back to hand to hand.  That was curious.  Maybe she didn’t have that much strength to use it that often. 


I told you it was going to be a very different POV in this chapter.  Well only a few more days left.  Don't will be here before you know it.

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