Friday, April 15, 2011

Dee/Dazz Outtake: "Fate's Third Chance" Teaser

So the chapter is finally with the beta.  I hope you like it.  I had to rewrite it twice because I hated it.  LOL!  And I still do.  So we'll see.  Here is your teaser:

I knew how important that watch was to them.  It was the last piece of their humanity they had left.  We all had some trinket, some connection to our past.  Aro Volturi had been collecting several valuable pieces that belonged to other vampires and humans.  He knew people would do anything to keep something they treasured.  It sickened me.  I still didn’t know his true motives, being dead didn’t give me the key to all knowledge.  I certainly didn’t get any information that pertained to me or Daphne.

They had broken in to a facility of Aro’s in Munich, Germany.  They had enlisted the aid of an untamed gang of vampires whose sole purpose for helping was just to be a menace to the Volturi.  They had a vampire with them by the name of Fred.  He was going to be a great asset to Emmett and Bella later.  

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