Monday, December 13, 2010

Chapter 9 Teaser

After that, we headed back to Alaska to gather our things from the old house and pack up the rest to be shipped to our new home.  Esme said it was done and all ready for us.  So we loaded up the Cullen private jet to head to Mitchell, Oregon.  And thus here I am still getting stared at.

“Alice, would you please tell Mr. McCarty that I do not appreciate being stared at.”  I asked Alice with as much venom in my voice as possible.

“Em, please just come sit back here with us.  I am really getting annoyed,” Alice whined out.  Jasper was glaring at us both now.  It had been a long flight so far.  Well only two hours into it, but Jazz was getting a lot of angst sent his way.

“Alice, would you please inform Ms. Swan that if she would only talk to me and stop acting like a 12 year old, I would stop.”  Emmett growled at me.

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