Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hot'n' Heavy Lovin': A Curvaceous and Bodacious Bombshell Fic Contest

So I have posted my entry for the Curvaceous and Bodacious Contest!  I'm so excited about it and even more shocked that I did a Rosalie/Emmett pairing.  Well we all knew it was going to be Emmett.  But Rose?  Well she fit and I loved writing her in this. 

The title of my fic is Where I Want To Be and here is the summary: Officer Rosalie Hale had decided that her life was just meant to be a party of one. Will love unsuspectingly sneak up on her? Or is this just another face she'd have to crack? A/H

You can find it on FFN under My Stories or you can just click above.  It will soon be added to the CurvaceousAndBodacious C2 as well.  Don't forget to review and vote for me...that is if you like it.

Embrace your fluffy!
Lubs Lynette

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