Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fandom Charities: Posting Dates

Greetings everyone!  This is just a little post to my fellow authors who have submitted their outtakes, one-shots, or original fiction to the Fandom Charities. Now I don't have them all, just the ones that I am participating in.  

However, there is a great site: Fandom for Causes that has been keeping track of all the current causes.  It will give you all the important dates and links you will need for the current causes.

The dates they don't have posted are the dates in which the authors can post their profiles, FFN, blogs, and Twi-Write.  So here are the four that I am participating in.  

Fandom Against Wildfires
Saturday 10/22/2011

Fandom For LLS
Friday 12/2/2011

Fandom Against Famine
Sunday 12/4/2011

Fandom Fights Cancer
Tuesday 1/31/2012

I am chomping at the bit to post mine.  LOL! Please let me know if any of these dates have been updated.  Thanks again for all your support. Take a look at the Causes site, there may be one there you'd like to show your support to as well.

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