Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chapter 20 - Tide you over Teaser

Please stop crying everyone.  Hang in there with me.  The chapter will be posted later this evening. Just a little while longer.  Until then, here is a teaser in EmPOV.


Please don’t let her be gone.  I couldn’t feel her like I used to, but she was here.  Something was still connecting us.  She can’t be gone.  I heard the running of feet and the smell of vampires, similar smelling to the ones Bella just torched.  More Volturi swine, I guessed. Let them come.  I’ll finish what my mate started.  I began to growl and Carlisle stood crouching down low.  Esme was soon by his side and I have never been more proud of my parents.  Stopping just before us stood who I knew were Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demetri.  Behind then were Aro and Marcus.  Marcus took in the scene, but Aro’s eyes were zoned in on Bella.  I could not deny my growl.  It was certainly more like a roar.

“They mean no harm.  Trust me.” Corin spoke and walked to stand in the middle.  “Jane…”  No sooner than he had said her name was she hopping into his arms.  Jane had a mate?!  I was here possibly left without my mate and the vilest vampire on earth was loving up on hers.  I must have killed a saint or something.  I looked down at Bella’s unmoving body and kissed her lips.

“Please Swanny…please baby wake up for me.  There is no life worth it, if I don’t have you.  Please come back to me.”

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