Monday, February 7, 2011

Updates, News, & Fun

Hello folks!  Some of you have been wondering when This Changes Things was going to wrap up.  Why?  Are you tired of reading it already.  LOL!  Well I will be updating later today with the long awaited Chapter 19.  There are only two more regular chapters and the epilogue after that.  So the last Chapter of TCT will post on February 28th.  It will be a sad, sad day.

Well don't worry because I will then be working on the followup chapter to A Six Foot Request.  You wanted more, so you shall have it.  This will not be a multi-fic story.  It was made to be a O/S, but you demanding hellions cannot be denied.  There will be two chapters, both told in Marcus' POV. One will be if Bella had been changed and the other being if she had died.  It's been 50/50 on the request for each scenario.  I am curious myself to know what will happen.  Expect those in early March.

Last but not least, there will be TCT outtakes!  I cannot tell you what they are, as it may give away too much.  I can say that there will be a Kate/Garrett wedding outtake.  I will post what the others will be after the epi.

Lubs you all!

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