Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Tribute to My Betas

In honor of my fabulous betas, I would like to tell you why I love them and rec their deliciousness. 

When I first started out in fanfiction, I didn't know a lot of people.  But I totally became fast friends with my girl Misty here.  She took my first fic by the horns and helped me to lasso that sucker.  I appreciate her honesty, dedication, and ability to tell me on a constant basis, "No, Lynette it doesn't suck."  LOL!  She has been patient with me through my one shots and several sessions of "Plot Bunny Mayhem" as I like to call it.  I just have so many ideas. Misty is a great beta and I know I can truly rely on her.

Completed Story Rec: "The Box" - Summary: A tequila bottle, a shoebox of memories, a past you want to change. Jasper has all three and has spent every Saturday for the last two years with them. Little does he know that this one will be his last. All human.

This Jasper/Bella story may be only ten chapters long, but it packs a wallop.  Jasper is the epitome of rock star and Bella is the woman that would be by his side forever. This short story is filled with ups and downs.  You fall in love with Jasper one minute, only to slap him in another.  You are wondering, what the hell could Misty do now? Well...you have to read to find out.

WIP Story Rec: "Their Mistakes" - Summary: Mistakes will either make you or break you. Their mistakes against her will be their downfall. Pairing is Jasper/Bella/Peter all vamp. Rated M for language, violence, and lemons.

Misty has been writing up a storm! This one just updated and has left me wanting so much more.  Two little ladies have been very naughty and vamp Bella is going to kick some ass. I can't get enough of how great this story is and the use of the Volturi is a big plus in my book.  I love them so much in this fic and Misty has me cracking up sometimes with their antics.


 I had been reading Stephanie's fic and she put in her a/n that she needed a beta.  I jumped on the chance to see her story early than when posted.  When the time came for me to have a need for an additional beta, she was there.  This chick with her happy little red pen is a PUNCUATION NAZI!  Yes Steph, I am talkign to you!  LOL! She let's nothing slide and would tell me in a minute that soemthing won't work.  HARD ASS THY NAME IS STEPH!  But I love that about her.  She keeps it gansta. 

Completed Story Rec: "Justice For All" - Summary: Bella's life is turned upside down when her father Charlie is murdered. Her former best friend Jacob Black is the detective hired to work on the case. Neither of them expect what happens when they are forced together to find out who killed Charlie.

This story is the one that made me fall in love with AH Jake.  So well written and great.  She makes you want your own Jake to have to protect you and love you and kiss you.... Oh sorry, well yes.  It has twists you didn't see coming and a little dog whose sole purpose is to annoy Jake. And how can we not love a fic that gives some Charlie love.


Nicole, oh how I love thee.  She stepped in for me when Misty computer was doing it's version of the exorcist and I needed a quick look-over.  Well, I ended up stuck with her. She is my goto gal for my naughty little bits for the Lemon Oasis.  When it's time for some lemon drizzle, she is there to make sure I am not talking crazy.  Nicole is the perfect combo of Red Pen Stickler and Muse Fairy.  My drizzles wouldn't sizzle without her.

Completed Story Rec: "When It Rains" - Summary: Three and a half years after BD, the Cullens are picking up the pieces from a crushing loss. Angela Weber is in college when she runs into Jasper and Nessie. Can she, with kindess and compassion, heal the Cullens hurting the most? slowly Angela/Jasper

This story was reccommended to me lel2769 and I was a little apprehensive at first because it was rated T.  No way it was beacause it was Angela/Jasper (non-canon lover here).  I usually don't read T stories because they are mostly written by teenage girls that wasn their own Edward.  Well, this story blew me away.  I have never seen Angela written so beautifully and Jasper written more as a man than the God of war.  It is a great story of tragic loss and the love that can grow from the unexpected.

WIP Story Rec: "In Human History" - Summary: Seven chapters, one for each Cullen, containing six scenes from their human lives. The last scene is always their last moment as a human. Rated M for mentions of abuse, rape, and death. Kept as canon as possible based on the illustrated guide.

Now I may be a little bit biased with this one because I was her beta.  However, I have not seen someone take on all the histories of the Cullens in this way.  Each chapter takes a Cullen, from oldest to youngest, and weaves a tale of their lives before they were changed.  After I beta'ed each chapter, I was like, "This is my favorite."   Each one was better and better.  There were tears, laugher, screams.  LOL!


When I whirlwind, you say Robin!  WHIRLWIND! (ROBIN!) WHIRLWIND! (ROBIN!) We met through the wonderfulness of PJ.  She was in need of a beta and and I stepped in to help.  Now she is doing some side jobs for me when I need a looky loo.  This is the woman that writes more comment bubbles than me! That says a lot.  She has tons of comments and they are mostly silly little replies to something I wrote.  She asks tons of questions, which usually end of inspiring me and sending me off to write at least another 1000 words.  Me lubs her :)

WIP Story Rec: "Victoria's Secret" - Summary: Bella is shy, quiet and professional. She loves to sing, but can't get on stage, not until she becomes Victoria. The sexiest singing sensation in Seattle, and the girl Vamp Records VP Edward wants... or is she? Rated M for lemons and language B&E Victora

Again, I may be biased because I beta this story.  Yet I love where her devious little mind goes.  I flove this story and want to have it's babies....and Edward's.  She writes one hot ass Edward and I can't get enough.  She has some great songs in this story and I can barely get through my beta job because I am shaking my fanny.  This is a must read!


I must also give a quick shotout to my Pre-Readers. On occasion, they can slap on a beta hat:

SagaDevotee - You have been my rock and friend, when late night writing and summaries seem confusing.  You arte my favorite cheerleader.  Now just to get you a costume *waggles eyebrows*

TheLyricalCutie -  I remember when you told me you didn't have time for fanfiction.  Now you got a few stories under your belt and reading like crazy.  Thanks for your support!

BetterwithEdward - You brought me in to this fanfiction fold.  You are my favorite lurker!  Maybe one day you'll stop reading and start writing.  Thanks for the giggles and the phone calls with me rambling about a new plot bunny.  FACETIME!

TheUnderStudy (Lynette)

1 comment:

  1. You are truly too kind, my sweet! I'm happy to help with whatever you need. This was the perfect tribute and my day just keeps getting better! Thanks! *mwah*
