Friday, September 2, 2011

The Post of all Posts

Greetings followers.  So sorry that it has taken me so long to give you a decent post.  This should change all of that.  I have lots to discuss in his post.  I will be doing a Bi-Weekly Post now on the Blog.  Every Tuesday (Tattling Tuesday) I will post updates, teasers, and whatever else is going on.  Every Friday (Frisky Friday) I will post my Lemon Drizzle, more teasers, and maybe a frisky rec or two. Now for some updates.

Thank you all so much for your nominations and votes.

You people must really like it when I review :).  It was so nice to see my nomination for the Tracker Award (Best Reviewer) in the Shimmer Awards.

I was nominated in three categories for the Hopeless Romantic Awards: Best Swinger - "This Changes Things", Best Original Storyline - "Old Jokes Never Die", and "Best Emmett - "This Changes Things".  

AND YAY! I won one of the three.  There was some tough competition.  I share my victory with two other awesome stories.

I was nominated for Best Tumblr in the Fandom Spotlight Awards.  My love for Kellan Lutz earned me Honorable Mention in the Awards.

One of the best contest I ever entered was hosted by the ladies over on the Jasper's Naughty Girls Blog, "Gettin' Down & Dirty With The Cullen Boys" Contest.  

Which one of them does it for you? A domineering Edward? A dirty talkin’ Emmett? Carlisle as the older, more experienced man? Jasper in all his dark, southern glory?

You know you dream about them, so turn your fantasy into a fic! We want to read what you have to say!

They could be dark, dominant and controlling. We also like them sweaty, naked and smug. They should be sexy and irresistible if possible. They can also be in human form. But, they have to be…DIRTY! (And, not from the mud!)

How could I have not have entered?  I submitted "Taking What's Mine" for the contest.  You can read the great entries HERE.

WOOHOO! I won honorable mention :) They made me this kickass banner.  Lubs ya ladies!


I will be donating 3 new one shots to the three causes this summer/fall. I also will be giving the first two chapters of my new Emmett/Bella mult-fic. I have listed the pieces I will be donating below, so please donate to these worthy causes in order to read these.

Fandom Against Famine
Through Blood and Venom
Character: Rosalie/Bella
Rating: M
Summary: I never wanted her in my family, not because of jealousy, but because she could do so much better than death. Yet, I am no daughter of Fate, and know better than anyone you can’t stop it when it comes for you. But maybe I could help her pick up the pieces.
Banner by Christag Banners

Fandom for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Robbing Peter to Pay Paul
Character: Edward
Rating: M
Summary: Every lucky streak has to come to an end. Edward Cullen’s certainly has and it has left him indebted to Paul’s underground poker games. With his life on the line, the perfect plan falls into his lap, robbing his boss Peter to pay Paul.
Banner by Christag Banners

Fandom Fights Wildfires
The Right One

Pairing: Paul/Bella
Rating: M
Summary: Bella hoped that her road trip out west would bring her the excitement she’s been missing. Meanwhile, Paul was trying to keep those close to him safe. Through a dangerous encounter, they are brought together. Will they endure or fail in their race for survival?
Banner by Christag Banners

Fandom for Cancer
The Mistress in the Window
Pairing: Emmett/Bella
Rating: M
Summary: She is a mystery wrapped around enchantment. She has lured him in to the death that surrounds this old home. There is chance he can escape; a way he won’t be caught up in the madness. But he’s enthralled by in the beauty behind the lens.
Banner by Christag Banners

*All fics will be posted to my sites once the allotted time has passed*


Lemon Drizzles will return on Friday, September 9th.  I have two to post.  I had already plotted the one from 8/12/11, but I never got the time to write it..  So I will post that one and the one for the 9th.  Pic prompts: (8/12) - & (9/9) -  I feel so bad for my Drizzle beta, idealskeptic, she is going to need a Costco size box of Shamanties (Jasper’s Woman’s version of Shamwow panties lol)

Finally I will finish writing my two chapter One-Shot The Pledge.  It was originally for the CarlWard Contest, but I was not able to finish the story. I submitted just Edward's POV.  Now Carlisle is not pleased, so I am writing his POV of the rest of the story now. 
Chapter 1: Submerge EPOV
Chapter 2: Emerge CPOV

A Six Foot Request is my Bella/Marcus One-Shot that reviewers begged to know what happened after. I have come up with two outcomes.  I couldn't chose just one.  
Chapter 2A: Perfectly Picked: The Swan Song
Chapter 2B: Special Delivery: The Swan’s Request

When I wrote my entry for the Spanking the Monkey Contest, I didn't think it would become something more.  That was until my pre-reader got a hold of me while I was writing and begged for more.  What can I say?  I love SagaDevotee too much and spoil her rotten.  Make Me Sweat will be a Short Story with 5 more chapters added to the piece I wrote for the contest.  Chapter 7 will be the epilogue.
Chapter 2: Instruct Me – BPOV
Chapter 3: First Rule About Gym Class - EPOV
Chapter 4: I Wanna Sex You Up - BPOV
Chapter 5: Needing a Visual - EPOV
Chapter 6: This Courting Thing - BPOV
Chapter 7: Possibilities Are Endless - EPOV

Yeah, wow, that was a lot right?  Well I am shutting up now.  Glad I could catch up with you.  See you on Tuesday!


  1. Shamanties? Oh dear. That'll really start things off with a bang. After such a long drizzle dry spell, that seems like an awful lot to swallow. But I'm tingling with anticipation.

    All bad puns intended. ;P

    Happily awaiting my work, ma'am!
