Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tattling Tuesday

Hello my darling followers.  When I started this post, it was still Tuesday lol.  But time slipped away from me and now it's after midnight. I don't have much to report since my post on Friday.  I did post my new one-shot "Wish You Were Here":

Banner made by vbfb19

Emmett/Edward, AH, slashy goodness.
Summary: When you have had the best in your life, it's hard for anything else to measure up.  It's hard to let go and forget what was and what could have been.  Sometimes all we need is a second chance for our wishes to come true.


Right now I am working on my o/s for the Lemon Oasis (pic prompt SFW) called "Leather and Love".  I will give you a sneak peak at it.  The pairing, Sue/Felix, AH.  Don't be haven't disappointed you yet.  Here's your teaser:

My Dearest Susan,

So long I have tried to understand how I got so lucky to have you in my life.  I am a man with a very dangerous past and to wrap you up in that would not be right.  I am not worthy of you.  I never was, but I thought if I kept hanging on I could be good enough.  A year later, and I am no more of man that is a thief, stole a man’s daughter, took her away from her family, and can’t even put a proper roof over her head.  You are better off without me.  I am ruining your life. If I can’t be the man you deserve, at least I can be the man you need right now.  That man is sending you back to La Push.  I bought you a bus ticket.  Use it.  Don’t look for me Suzy.  Go home and live.  There is no life with me.  All you get with me is death.  Just promise me to keep riding.  You love to ride and look damn hot doing it. 

I’ll love you till the day I die,
Big Flea

Like damn, right? Well, it will be up on Friday.


Last but not least, I have a fic rec.  I felt as though I had been neglecting my Wolf Pack. So I went on a search of wolf stories that caught my eye.  I found "Alpha's Mate" by KaiaLuna

Sam imprints on an emotionally damnaged Bella when she moves to Forks to live with Charlie.  RATED M FOR A REASON! - Complete, 47 Chapters, 198,648 words, Sam & Bella

The first chapter takes a twilightish approach to the story, however there are certain obvious differences that make you wonder what's to come.  By the chapter 2, you are definitely aware that this ain't SM's story  lol.  The story begins to capture you completely with Bella's fear and pain.  How can this woman not want the hotness of Sam? From chapter 2 on, I was either laughing, crying, or screaming in either anger or glee.

KaialLuna also gives you more of the wolf girls.  So often they are forgotten, but not here.  You get more of Kim.  I loved how her character has been developed.  Also Emily is in the story, but I won't tell you who she's with. Of course with the imprints we get the other wolves.  I am all Team Jared right now.  She has made me fall in love with him.

This story may be wolfy, but the dynamic of the human to human romantic relationship is what appeals to me the most.  No matter the imprint, these two are trying to make a love work when one is beyond broken.  I am getting a little caught up just thinking about it  *grabs a tissue* and I am sure you will to.  This story will run the gamut of emotions.

I have not finished yet, but I won't stop until I get to the end. Please read this fic and review.  They are like crack to authors.

Love ya'll much!

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