Saturday, September 10, 2011

Frisky Friday

My goodness.  I have not been able to accomplish anything of what I want or need. Between my mind and RL, things have been nutty. There is no lemon drizzle as well.  I am very sorry.  I miss my lemons *sniffle* So today I have a little treat before I turn in for the night.

Teaser from A Six Foot Request - Chapter 2B Special Delivery: The Swan's Request 
Marcus POV

I didn't love. I didn't fight. I certainly have not bedded a woman since I killed Didyme centuries ago. The only thing I did was feed and appear at the rulings when Aro needed me too. I was a shadow of my former self.

Then tonight something had changed. I felt something stirring in me - something calling me out into the night. It was there, in the plaza that I saw my siren. She was a porcelain beauty, aching for me to mar her flesh with my touch. I didn't understand our bond, but the closer I walked to her the tighter it formed.

I was her death.

She held a pain in her eyes that mirrored my own. This woman had seen loss. She had ached and grieved for it. I saw the resolution in her eyes as well. She was ready for death. I would be happy to serve it to her.

I was shocked to discover she knew of vampires, and even more so the Volturi. She was bold, brazen, beautiful, and broken. I would heal her, rid of this pain. I would drain the very essence from her and bathe in the afterglow of her passion. 

I would take her....

What you think? Liking what Marcus has to offer?

Frisky Friday Fic Rec

Banner by vbfb19

I gotta do a rec for my girl @RobinsFF and her story "Victoria's Secret".  She is one of my betas and my partner in all things comment bubbles.  I have pimped her out before on my earlier posts, but I'd like to do so again.

She has written a fabulous AH, Edward/Bella fic that has totally made me melt with its lemony goodness.  It has other fine qualities, but this post is all about the Frisky.  She has twelve chapters posted so far *cough* with 13 on the way *cough*.  The lemon that are laid without are fantabulous.  I cannot get enough and I am in desperate need of a Costco run for some Shamanties (sham wow panties lol).  

He smiles into my stomach as he sinks to his knees and continues his journey south. This time he kisses and licks down my stomach, my hips, down my thighs and all the way to my feet. His hands pull the tiny pair of underwear down, in the wake of his lips. I place my hands on his shoulders to steady myself as he lifts first one leg, then the other, in order to fully remove the offending garment.

"The heels can stay," he says as he leaves open mouthed kisses up my left leg, moving to the inside of my thigh as he gets closer to my wet center. He wastes no time diving in.

"Oh God, Edward," I moan as he slowly licks at my folds. My hands move from his shoulders and into his hair. Partly so that I don't fall down, but mostly so I can keep his head between my legs.

He gently flicks my clit with his tongue and inserts a finger deep into my core. "You are so wet for me, and you taste so fucking good," he breathes, never stopping his movements.

My hands grip his hair tighter as he moves his lips, tongue and finger faster. I shamelessly buck my hips into his face in my desperation for release.

VS chpt. 8

Hmmmm....yeah.... She makes it very hard for me to do my beta job.  I have to read lines over and over because I am a puddle of goo.  The lemons only get better from there.  So take a chance and enjoy the music, the sex hair, and some fluffy times as well with this Frisky Fic.  Here is where you can find her:
RobinFF's blog: 

Well that is all i have for the night....

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