Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tattling Tuesday

It's that time again to blab to you about the heck I am doing.  LOL! Like you really care.  Well guess what.  Hold on to your britches, because you just may care about this one.

Perfectly Picked: The Swan Song 
Chapter 1: Marcus’ Lament

That is the title of the next chapter to come to A Six Foot Request.  You are probably wondering why I said Chapter 1.  Well after 1200 words in, I knew this was going to be a long chapter.  Team Changed, as I have affectionately grown to call it, has turned out to be a bit of a multi-chapter.

Yes, yes you all can rejoice.  Right now I can only promise 5 more chapters.  Marcus got so chatty with this one that by the time I got to a good stopping point, I was well into 3700 words.  There is still so much more story to tell.  Well I am going to give it to ya TheUnderStudy style.  So who wants a sneak peek?  Oh you, in the back...sure.  Why the heck not. Now mind you, it is unbeta'ed, so sorry.

Demetri left my room and I head out the door in the opposite direction.  It was a wise decision to create my own entrance and exit to the castle.  That way I did not have to see Aro.  He never made his way to this side of the castle.  However he did send his lackies.  I smell one of his little rats now.

“Master Marcus, your presence is requested at feeding.  Master Aro grows tired of your absence,” Felix spoke.

Vampires are supposed to become smarter when changed.  His process seemed to have to have the adverse effect.  He thought his size was also intimidating.  I had been fighting a long time. 

“Tell Aro that I drink alone tonight.  Tell him that I require solitude for this day of remembrance,” I spoke and continued my walk to the exit.

“Your mate has been dead some time.  Do you still need to grieve?”  He chuckled darkly.

I was on him quicker than he could dodge me.  My hand wrapped around his neck and I heard it crack in my grasp.  I could hear his head begin to detach from his shoulders as I pulled.  He growled and dug his nails into my hand.  I did not care.  I felt no pain from this weakling.

“Just because Aro has your balls in his pocket, doesn’t mean you can speak me any kind of way.  I am still your Master as well,” I growled at him, spitting venom.

I tossed him to the ground and he slid away. 

“Master Aro will hear of this,” he gurgled.

“Tell him I will lay flowers on his sister’s grave since he tends to forget,” I yelled as I sauntered out of the castle.

*Swoon* Marcus, you are one hot vampire.  So the beta has it and the pre-readers.  I hope to post by Friday.  Then we will be on a two-week update schedule.  I wish I could do it sooner, but it's very busy at work and I gotta pay the bills.


I will be writing for this cause this year.  I cannot express to you the importance of this cause.  Many children are afflicted with this illness more than you think. Please donate or contribute to help bring awareness to this cause and to provide support for research.  You can find out more information on their blog:

I will be donating and contributing a new one shot to this cause.  I have my banner currently in the works by IllicitWriter.  Once she is done with her fabulousness, I will post it on over.  Here is a little bit of information on the story:

Title: The Critic

Pairing: Jasper/Esme (c'mon...you know I'm all about the non-canon)

Rating: T or M (smut has not been determined lol)

Summary: An elusive, enigmatic, and efficacious food critic begins to annoy the most spectacular Chef of Seattle. Chef Jasper Hale knows that his food is the best and could bring anyone to their knees, even the so called E-Cubed.

Intrigued?  Well I hope so.  It is due by February 27th and I will have my teaser posted on their blog by the end of this month.  I have written a little bit of it so far, so we shall see.

Well that is all my dears.  Until next time.

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