Thursday, April 4, 2013

And I'm Back

Finally, I am back to posting and writing.  I cannot wait until tomorrow.  I am getting my Frisky Friday post together now.  Oh what a joy!  Now for some updates.

  • The Pledge is back and raring to go.  I have just posted Chapter 4: Emerge - CPOV.  Carlisle still makes you want to kick his ass, but my sweetie pie is making the moves.  Go read and found out what happened!

I am in the process of writing Chapter 5 now and then the epi will be in Edward's POV.  I think he deserves after all the hard work that he put into Carlisle.  lol.  I hope to have this all wrapped up in a cute little bow by the end of this month.  YAY for progress.  Don't you worry because SagaDevotee is going break out her whip again to make sure it happens.

It's my mini-shot Marcus/Bella Team Changed Edition.  We last left off in the middle of her change.  I currently have about 1500 words of Chapter 2 written.  Once I shake Carlisle & Edward out my head, I will get on Marcus.  Rawr! I could just gobble Gerard Butler up.  Yum, yummy. Bella will be waking up soon and Marcus will have one angry newborn on his hands.  I will most likely be working on this until the end of June.

  • A while ago, I was going to enter a Fandom 4.  However, Baby UnderStudy got a little nuts and my brain cells were done.  Yet, this kickass banner was made by IllicitWriter.  Girlfriend is talented!

Summary: An elusive, enigmatic, and efficacious food critic begins to annoy the most spectacular Chef of Seattle.  Chef Jasper Hale knows that his food is the best and could bring anyone to their knees, even the so called E-Cubed.

The story is outlined, so it shouldn't take me too much time to work it out.  It will be all in Esme POV and people, it will be a ONE SHOT! One chapter only.  Don't go getting any ideas lol.

  • This will lead us into Fall and the start of my supernatural/drama/suspense story The Mistress In the Window that I wrote for Fandom Fights Cancer.  I just haven't gotten around to working on the rest of it. Christag Banners is cracking her whip for me to post this story and she did an awesome job with the banner.  It's been forever!

Summary: She is a mystery wrapped around enchantment.  She has lured him in to the death that surrounds this old home.  There is chance he can escape; a way he won’t be caught up in the madness.  But he’s enthralled by in the beauty behind the lens. 

This will be a multific and will cross over into the new year.  I have an idea for the first 6 chapters.  After that, I will see where Emmett & Bella take me.

So buckle up! Enjoy the ride! Let's have some fun.

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