Friday, April 5, 2013

Frisky Friday

I totally blame SagaDevotee for an issues you may have after reading my recs for today. She emailed them to me and her recs are golden.  We have a term called BSW.  What's that you ask?  Well, it stands for Bus Stop Worthy.  There was time I was reading a fic while waiting on my bus.  It got really steamy and I was making some Meg Ryan a la When Harry Met Sally noises.  Well the Frisky Friday rec's today are certainly BSWs!

First read was a Paul/Bella one-shot called "Desecrate Me" by kerigocrazy.  

Summary: There's something about Bella Swan; she draws men to her like flies to honey. Paul's determined to find out where she's hiding her sugar, but when the bad boy of La Push finally gets her naked, it's in a place even he never expected. Entry for the Public Lovin' Contest.

Paul is absolutely determined to get virgin Bella and he will stop at nothing to get her.  Through the story Paul tells of his foiled efforts to get the timid & heartbroken Swan.  He is thwarted at each chance to get her alone by his fellow pack members.  No one knows what he is up to, but he patiently waits for a moment he can dig his claws into her.

He finally gets her alone once the pack is off getting their nom on Victoria.  Bella needs a ride to the precinct  to check on Charlie. The Chief isn't there, but they decide to wait in his office.

"The minute the door shuts and they have a modicum of privacy, he has her pinned to the wall."

Oh yeah. Chief Charlie Swan is about to get his office christened with the official popping of Bella's cherry.  It's so bad it's good! OMG!  Paul made me feel like a woman and I was just reading it.  This lemon definitely has a shamantie warning (The need of shamwow panties).  

Once Paul is done with Bella, she is a woman, Charlie is red faced, and I am quite sure I got pregnant off the hotness of this fic.  Oh...I's too much...

The second one I am excited to rec is "The Birds and the Bees" by meliz875.

Summary: Quil is in need of a special kind of lesson and thinks Leah is just the right person to teach him. A fun-shot written specifically for the Fandom Choice Awards winner reveal.

Good lawd!  I cannot believe how much I was moaning one second with this fic and laughing my ass off in the next.  This one shot pairs of Leah/Quil in a lesson of seduction and need with layers of comedy. 

Poor Quil does not have the skills to pay the bills lol.  So before his big date, he goes to Leah to ask her make a man out of him.  Leah cannot believe what he is asking her, but hey, it's been a while.  And it has nothing to do with the fact that Sam will see it in his mind later.  Quil has to beg of course, as this is Leah we are talking about.

"He's whining now. Fuck, she hates it when he does this. It makes her want to smack that sloppy grin right off his face."

LOL! Oh Leah! But Quil is eager to please his willing teacher.  With a few tips, trips, licks, and kisses, Quil begins to show Leah just how much of a quick learner her can be.  It must be those wolf genes because the way meliz875 writes the sex has me wondering where Quil has been all my life.  Seriously meliz875, have you been keeping Quil from us?

Of course the one-shot ends on a funny note, coming back to Quil's date.  Will Leah need to give him another lesson? Well you are just going to have to read to find out. not walk to this fic!

I hope you enjoyed my rec's this week for Frisky Friday!  Let me know what you thought and don't forget to review as well.  Tell them I sent ya!


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