Sunday, March 13, 2011

On hiatus...kinda :-)

Hey folks.  So I will be taking a break for a little and regroup.  I am so happy to have finally finished writing "This Changes Things".  It has really made me appreciate prose.  I have not given up my poetry, but fanfiction definitely has a place in my heart.

Here is the schedule:

March 30th: Hiatus Ends

March 30th: Dee & Dazz TCT Outtake: Fate's Third Chances

April:  A surprise for my followers

April: Reader's Choice TCT Outtake: TBD (but the requests have been great!)

April: Followup Chapters of "A Six Foot Request".  If she dies: "Honoring Bella" and If she is changed: "With Pleasure"

Mid May: Starts posting for "Whiteout", Jasper/Bella fic.

I'll be posting tidbits here and there. And who knows...I may just post early or something.  

Lubs ya'll,
Lynette aka TheUnderStudy

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bella's Ring

This is the ring that Em chose for Swanny.  You like?

Epilogue Part II Has Posted - My A/N & Thanks

Well there is only one outtake planned that I will post within this story. So keep it on alert. I plan on writing the "What Ever Happened to Dee & Dazz" outtake. It will pick up from when they left the battle. I will also do a reader's choice. So please tell me in your review what other outtake you would like to see. I will go with the most popular and interesting. If there is more than one, I'll probably write it. Also take a look at my other story A Six Foot Request. It will be taking on my attention next as I will be writing the followup pieces to it. Two options, two possible endings. Both in Marcus POV. I'll be taking a break for a few weeks after that before I jump into my next story: "Whiteout" an AU Jasper/Bella.

Here goes my long list of thanks: First to my beta abbymickey24 for editing this story for me and giving me sound advice along the way. Thanks so much for helping me get out my funks! To stephlite for constantly listening to me whine about writing. I could not have done it without you either. Thank you for staying on me and cracking me the hell up when I was down. You are the best ficwife evar! IansCutie, babe, thanks being my little eager pre-reader. Loved your honesty and can't wait for your story to post.

To BetterwithEdward and the ladies of Fifty's Harem for pushing me to shut the fuck up and start writing. Also to TheFaintHeart, ForksPixie, DJLilbit, & duskri123 for their encouragement along the way. To Delecia and dazzled10 for being my Dee & Dazz inspirations. Thank you two for all your badassery and love for Edward.

Last but not least, THANK YOU to all my reviewers, *gives kisses and grabs a few of your asses*. You all have kept me going to the end. It was your kind words, criticisms, pitchforks (you know who you are), and love that made me want to keep writing. Oh and CarlislaCooper for rec'ing the hell outta this on Twitter & LadyTazz7 for pimping me on her blog.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Part 1 of This Changes Things Epi is Posted!

Just in case you missed the tweets and email alerts, I thought I'd let you know here.  LOL!  So yes, part 1 was posted over on  There are two parts because i just couldn't fit everything into one chapter.  Bella gives us our Part I and Em closes us out in Part II.  It was so fitting.

To my followers, reviewers, lurkers, and supporters....GO READ DAMMIT!  *bites nails*

TheUnderStudy (Lynette)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Delay in Epilogue of This Change Things

So I have gotten a few tweets and emails about This Changes Things Epi.  Well I am currently without internet at home and my laptop is dead.  Work has been crazy busy so I really don't have the time to work on there either.  Emmy was talking to me today, so it's almost done.  Now to find the time and a working computer/net to type it all up.  Thanks everyone for their patience :-).  Here's an Emmy teaser to tide you over:

My Isabella had been the light of my undead life for these past fifty years.  She constantly made a smile appear on my face.  I did everything within my power to return the love and friendship she gave.  As corny as it sounds, she had a heart of gold.  We were on our way back from the last mission we will ever have to go on.  As usual, my Bean was curled up in my lap and I held her tightly as we descended into Volterra.  She loved to run her fingers through my hair as she “slept” post mission.  I used to tease her about it, but after a very fucked up mission Aro sent us on, I could now understand the need to be in the silence.