Sunday, March 13, 2011

On hiatus...kinda :-)

Hey folks.  So I will be taking a break for a little and regroup.  I am so happy to have finally finished writing "This Changes Things".  It has really made me appreciate prose.  I have not given up my poetry, but fanfiction definitely has a place in my heart.

Here is the schedule:

March 30th: Hiatus Ends

March 30th: Dee & Dazz TCT Outtake: Fate's Third Chances

April:  A surprise for my followers

April: Reader's Choice TCT Outtake: TBD (but the requests have been great!)

April: Followup Chapters of "A Six Foot Request".  If she dies: "Honoring Bella" and If she is changed: "With Pleasure"

Mid May: Starts posting for "Whiteout", Jasper/Bella fic.

I'll be posting tidbits here and there. And who knows...I may just post early or something.  

Lubs ya'll,
Lynette aka TheUnderStudy

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