Monday, January 31, 2011

Chapter 18 Teaser

So I was late in updating my chapter.  I was just so frustrated with writing this.  First I changed the story from my outline, then I changed it back, then changed it again.  Then I lost all 5500 words.  Somehow my computer froze and then shut down.  I think the Word auto-recovery was on crack or something.  Finally I sent it off to my beta this evening, but I can't expect miracles.  I hope to post tomorrow.  Thank you for your patience.  In the meantime, here's a teaser.

Here lies the remains of Rosalie Lilian Hell
(*giggle* Naughty, naughty! *snort*)


“Thanks Em. I just…I just needed the silence for a least a little while.” She was looking right at
me again, but her eyes just didn’t shine.

“Now Swanny, don’t go all guilt trip on me. Rosalie deser…”

“Dammit! I know she fucking deserved it. You think I don’t know that?” Bella turned away
from me and it stung a little. Yet I knew it was easier to kill a stranger than someone you know.
Even if it was Rosalie Hale.

“Bella babe, look… I know it’s been rough on you, but it’s been hard on all of us. Carlisle with
Esme, Jasper and Alice trying to coordinate the fight, and you with your shield. And me Bella,
I’ve just been trying to support you. I just want to make sure my Bean is okay.” I walked up
behind her and slid my arms around her waist. She huffed a little and leaned into me. I knew
she had rolled her eyes.

“So many names for me Em.” She laughed slightly.

“I thought you liked all of my names?” I chuckled in ear and she melted more into me, but could
still feel her being at a distance.

Friday, January 28, 2011

TwilightCakes Fanfic: I love presents...

TwilightCakes Fanfic: I love presents...: "And the lovely RachelXMichelle has given me TWO great ones! Below are the lovely banners that she made me for Untouchable, and I heart..."

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What's this...a new banner...

The lovely Rachel made me a fabulous banner for my new O/S (maybe O/S lol) "A Six Foot Request"  See it here.  You can check her out on her blog at  Let her make a banner for you!

New One Shot Unleashed

So I have just posted my new one shot "A Six Foot Request."  Here's the summary: 

It's hard to function in the heat, when you miss the cold s much on your skin.  I tried to live again, but living became too hard.  So I set out looking for death in the only place I could guarantee it. 

This story is all in Bella's POV and takes place during New Moon.  Bella never jumped off a cliff, Edward never came back, etc...etc.  Marcus of the Volturi makes an appearance at the end.  He umm...ah....helps Bella out.  This just fell hit me hard and I had to get it out my system.  I so hope you enjoy and if not, that's okay too.  

Kristen Stewart is still my Bella...only ten years later.  However, Marcus is played by Gerard Butler. The man is hawt!


Thanks to stephlite for pushing me and ForksPixie for editing it.  Now to find someone to make me a banner.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Chapter 17 Teaser

This is the only snippet I could give that didn't give too much away.  LOL!  Monday is just around the corner:

“I am so disappointed in my mate.  Did I do something so wrong in another life that this is what I get?  I understand if you try to take action against him.  In his defense, he was duped as well.  She lied to him, telling him false truths about James’ death.  Laurent actually tried to stop it and get Victoria to stop her plan.  He has even stuck to our diet all this time to prove his love for me, but it was all too little too late.”  Irina sighed and I wanted to feel for her, but I was beyond pissed.  Irina continued her sad tale:

“He would sometimes sneak away for hunts alone.  I thought he was cheating until I followed him and overheard him yelling at some Victoria, saying he couldn’t help her anymore.  Victoria threatened to kill his mate after she destroyed the Cullens.  When he hung up, I attacked him. My heart was breaking, but I still loved him.”  She began weeping and sobbing, for her family, for herself, for the possible pain of losing her mate.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Chapter 16 Teaser

Monday can't come fast enough right!  Well here is your teaser for Chapter 16: Mistaken Betrayal and Minor Victories


I moved my attention to Emmett.  He had three newborns that were making him a chew toy.  He tossed the one off his back into a tree.  He kept his eye on Isabella.  She was taking on two newborns of her own. 

“Focus Emmett!  Dammit!  OW!”  Bella screamed at him and by doing so got herself bitten.  Stings like hell.  It had happened to me once and I vowed never to let someone get the upper hand again.  Her eyes turned fierce and black as night.  Oh it was on.  She leapt on the vampire that bit her and showed no mercy.

Emmett quickly ripped the arms of the one he was holding down with his foot and used those to beat the other one off to his side.  He disposed of them quickly after that and dashed to assist Isabella.  She didn’t need it.  She was epic.  Her punches were quick and deadly.  It looked as if she was using her shield to push further through the body.  That was some gift.  She then used her shield to decapitate another. 

“Bella pull it in!  Fight first, gift later!”  Emmett screamed at her as he took on another newborn.  Bella nodded at him and went back to hand to hand.  That was curious.  Maybe she didn’t have that much strength to use it that often. 


I told you it was going to be a very different POV in this chapter.  Well only a few more days left.  Don't will be here before you know it.

New Poll

I have a new poll over on my fanfiction profile:  When This Changes Things wraps up...*sniffle*...I'll probably take a little break to grieve and write some outtakes.  LOL!  However, after that I will be jumping right back into my next story.  Problem is, I HAVE 4!  So help me chose by going to my profile to vote.

Lynette aka TheUnderStudy

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Chapter 14 Teaser!

Thanks for all of you hanging in there with me.  Here is the teaser for tomorrow's update:

Two fucking weeks!  That is how long it took for Carlisle to give me the okay. I was able to go out the day after the fight and hunt myself, but my shoulder felt stiff.  It was still healing.  After that two week mark, I nearly broke down Carlisle’s office door to find Emmett.  He was sitting in front of the TV with Esme.  Those two were hooked on those court TV shows.  They were like a billion of them! I leaned over the couch and gave Em a soft yet firm bite on his neck.  He turned his head back to look at me and I wiggled my eyebrows.  He was up and out the door before I could even realize it. I shook my head and followed him out the door.  He was waiting for me a few miles out.

“Swanny, please fucking tell me Carlisle gave you the okay.”  I answered him by ripping his shirt off.  “Hells yes!”