Monday, January 31, 2011

Chapter 18 Teaser

So I was late in updating my chapter.  I was just so frustrated with writing this.  First I changed the story from my outline, then I changed it back, then changed it again.  Then I lost all 5500 words.  Somehow my computer froze and then shut down.  I think the Word auto-recovery was on crack or something.  Finally I sent it off to my beta this evening, but I can't expect miracles.  I hope to post tomorrow.  Thank you for your patience.  In the meantime, here's a teaser.

Here lies the remains of Rosalie Lilian Hell
(*giggle* Naughty, naughty! *snort*)


“Thanks Em. I just…I just needed the silence for a least a little while.” She was looking right at
me again, but her eyes just didn’t shine.

“Now Swanny, don’t go all guilt trip on me. Rosalie deser…”

“Dammit! I know she fucking deserved it. You think I don’t know that?” Bella turned away
from me and it stung a little. Yet I knew it was easier to kill a stranger than someone you know.
Even if it was Rosalie Hale.

“Bella babe, look… I know it’s been rough on you, but it’s been hard on all of us. Carlisle with
Esme, Jasper and Alice trying to coordinate the fight, and you with your shield. And me Bella,
I’ve just been trying to support you. I just want to make sure my Bean is okay.” I walked up
behind her and slid my arms around her waist. She huffed a little and leaned into me. I knew
she had rolled her eyes.

“So many names for me Em.” She laughed slightly.

“I thought you liked all of my names?” I chuckled in ear and she melted more into me, but could
still feel her being at a distance.

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