Thursday, January 27, 2011

New One Shot Unleashed

So I have just posted my new one shot "A Six Foot Request."  Here's the summary: 

It's hard to function in the heat, when you miss the cold s much on your skin.  I tried to live again, but living became too hard.  So I set out looking for death in the only place I could guarantee it. 

This story is all in Bella's POV and takes place during New Moon.  Bella never jumped off a cliff, Edward never came back, etc...etc.  Marcus of the Volturi makes an appearance at the end.  He umm...ah....helps Bella out.  This just fell hit me hard and I had to get it out my system.  I so hope you enjoy and if not, that's okay too.  

Kristen Stewart is still my Bella...only ten years later.  However, Marcus is played by Gerard Butler. The man is hawt!


Thanks to stephlite for pushing me and ForksPixie for editing it.  Now to find someone to make me a banner.

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