Sunday, January 2, 2011

Chapter 14 Teaser!

Thanks for all of you hanging in there with me.  Here is the teaser for tomorrow's update:

Two fucking weeks!  That is how long it took for Carlisle to give me the okay. I was able to go out the day after the fight and hunt myself, but my shoulder felt stiff.  It was still healing.  After that two week mark, I nearly broke down Carlisle’s office door to find Emmett.  He was sitting in front of the TV with Esme.  Those two were hooked on those court TV shows.  They were like a billion of them! I leaned over the couch and gave Em a soft yet firm bite on his neck.  He turned his head back to look at me and I wiggled my eyebrows.  He was up and out the door before I could even realize it. I shook my head and followed him out the door.  He was waiting for me a few miles out.

“Swanny, please fucking tell me Carlisle gave you the okay.”  I answered him by ripping his shirt off.  “Hells yes!”

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